Explore the captivating world of history through the lens of rephotography. The subreddit r/OldPhotosInRealLife transports us to the past by combining vintage pictures with their modern-day counterparts.
Here are some of the Interesting ‘Then And Now’ photos that show how time affects everything
1. Bucharest, Romania – 1944 vs 2021

2. Rio De Janeiro’s Reforestation

3. Sitting On Their 1947 Chevrolet In Front Of A Diner, And Then 63 Years Later

4. Haarlemmerdijk Street In Amsterdam, Netherlands (1971 And 2020)

5. Opening Up The Original River Through Gent, Belgium. 2009 vs. 2022

6. Boston – Elevated Highway Moved Underground, Replaced With Green Space. (1990s V. 2010s)

7. Saw This Post On R/Battlepaintings And Did Some Poking Around. Battle Of Vimeiro (Portugal) 1808 By Patrice Courcelle… And Today

7. The World’s Oldest Undeground Station, Baker Street, England. 157 Years Apart

8. Abandoned Subway, New York City. Built In 1904

9. Route 66 Between Barstow And Oro Grande, Ca. 1917 And 2023

10. Naples, Italy

11. Acropolis Of Athens (Greece) 1851 vs. 2021

12. The Curecanti Needle, Black Canyon, Colorado, 1880s vs. 2023

13. Bran Castle/Dracula’s Castle, Romania (1920s And 2022)

14. Hoover Dam Water Level July 1983 vs. December 2022

15. The Same View Of Hong Kong In 1964 And 2016

15. Warsaw City Centre, 1944/2022

16. Acropolis Of Athens (Greece) 1670-1860s-2021

17. A Whole City Submersed In Itá – Brazil (1985 – 2020)

18. Süreyya Beach In 1940s And Nowadays, Istanbul

19. Pripyat – Ukraine – 1986 2016