The lifestyles and peculiarities of most animals are often a lot weirder than we might expect, particularly if your main frame of reference is “a cat goes meow and a dog goes woof.” The natural world is full of wonders and surprises waiting to be discovered.
Here are some of the weirdest animal facts you may have never heard of.
1. The Blanket Octopus exhibits the highest degree of sexual dimorphism known. Females: About 6 feet across. Males: About one inch.

2. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than it’s brain

3. When a female sloth wants a mate she’ll hang onto a tree branch and just scream.

4. octopus punch other fish for no reason- so, for fun.

5. cats have the mental capacity of a 2 year old which makes a lot of sense

6. Dolphins will intentionally use puffer fish to get high.

7. Woodpeckers’ tongues wrap around their brains to cushion them from the vibrations of slamming their face into trees all day.

8. Dragon flys have the highest kill rate out of any flying predator.

9. Cats can get pregnant while being pregnant.

10. Platypus glow blueish green under ultraviolet light. They also don’t have nipples, they just exude milk from glands under the skin and the baby’s lap it up.

11. Armadillos always have offspring in quadruplets

12. Male anglerfish are super teeny tiny compared to a female. When a male finally bumps into a female down in the deep deep dark, he attaches himself to her and slowly, over time, he becomes A PART OF HER

13. Deer will eat their offsprings feces in order to keep predators from even recognizing there are babies around.

14. Humans have stripes. They are rarely visible but we all have them due to how our bodies developed in the womb. They’re called Blaschko Lines

15. Blue whales are estimated to produce around 20 liters of semen each time they ejaculate

16. Kangaroos can’t hop backwards. So if you’re ever attacked by one, just step behind him. Thanks Snapple!

17. Yes the egg came before the chicken. As the division of sex came long before vertebrate life. However it’s looking like sperm came slightly before the egg cell.

18. Some insects don’t have a brain, instead using their whole nervous system to think. As a result, I recently saw a video of a decapitated wasp trying to eat its own head.