Weird Laws From Around The World That Sound Made Up, But Are Actually True
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Laws are usually universally acceptable rules that keep us safe and organized and so that we know what to expect from others. Laws vary from country to country, reflecting the values of a certain culture, and you can understand if it differs from your own. But sometimes laws are so bizarre that you can’t help but wonder what provoked lawmakers to make the decision to approve some of the laws.
Here are some of the strangest, silliest, and most amusing laws from around the world.
1. It’s Illegal To Toss Non-Biodegradable Plastic Confetti In Mobile, Alabama
Section in Mobile, Alabama’s Code of Ordinance prohibits possession, use, sale, or handling of non-biodegradable plastic-based confetti, serpentine, or similar substances within the city’s jurisdiction. It is considered unlawful and offenses against the city.
2. In Capri, You Must Clean Up After Your Dog; If Not, They Will Trace It With DNA
In the small island on the south side of the Gulf of Naples, Capri, there is a local law that dog owners must clean up after their dogs if they poop on the street. Unfortunately, not everyone is obeying the law and to enforce it, Mayor Lembo thought he could take advantage of another existing law requiring all dogs to have blood tests for canine leishmaniasis, and just have the DNA matched. If a person is busted for leaving a mess on the streets, they will be fined €2,000 ($2,400).
3. It Is Against The Law To Have A Sleeping Donkey In Your Bathtub
In the state of Arizona, to this day, you can’t let a donkey sleep in your bathtub. The origin of the law is actually a funny story that apparently, nobody wanted to repeat itself. In 1924, a donkey found an abandoned bathtub outside its owner’s property and the animal took it as a good place to sleep. While it was sleeping, a dam near Kingman collapsed, causing a flash flood, and the napping donkey was carried by the waters. The people of the town were after the donkey to save him and after experience, considering the expense and the risks encountered by the rescuers, it was decided that donkeys should not be allowed to sleep in bathtubs.
4. By Law You Have To Walk Your Dog Three Times A Day In Turin, Italy
In Turin, dog owners must walk their dogs three times a day. This rule was introduced in 2006, a year after Rome issued a decree saying that dog owners must walk their dogs at least once a day. This is a way of fighting cruelty against animals. The fines can go up to $600.
5. It’s Illegal To Wrestle A Bear In South Africa
In South Africa, you are prohibited from wrestling a bear. Which is weird not only because who would willingly wrestle a bear, but they don’t even live there naturally.
6. Running Out Of Fuel On The Autobahn Can Lead To A Fine
It is illegal to stop on the autobahn in Germany without a serious reason as it is dangerous. The driver is required to make sure that their vehicle is in the right condition to be used, and running out of fuel is not considered a serious enough reason to stop, so it is seen as a violation of this requirement and negligence.
7. In La Paz, Bolivia, Married Women Can Only Drink One Glass Of Wine In A Bar Or Restaurant
In a city of La Paz, Bolivia, married women are allowed to drink only one glass of wine in public. The law is there to prevent them from drunkenly flirting with other men that are not their husband. Also, men can divorce their wives if they are seen drinking in public.
8. Russia, Belarus, And Kazakhstan “Ban” Lace Undergarments
n 2014 Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan introduced a regulation which requires clothing in contact with skin to contain at least 6 percent of cotton. Underwear not meeting the requirement was not to be sold in stores. But most luxury lace undergarments have less than 4 percent cotton in them, meaning that the regulation is practically banning it. The reasoning for this was that synthetic fabrics don’t absorb moisture as well and can cause skin problems. However, textile producers and shoppers were not happy about this and there were even protests against the ban in Kazakhstan.
9. Drunk People In The UK Can’t Be In Charge Of A Cow
According to the Licensing Act 1872 of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, which enacts various regulations and offences relating to alcohol, “Every person who is drunk while in charge on any highway or other public place of any carriage, horse, cattle, or steam engine […] shall be liable to a penalty.”
10. It’s Illegal To Tell Fortunes In Baltimore, Maryland
In the city of Baltimore, fortunetelling for money is forbidden and is punishable with a fine or jail: “Every person who shall demand or accept any remuneration or gratuity for forecasting or foretelling or for pretending to forecast or foretell the future of another by cards, palmreading or any other scheme, practice or device, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $500 or subject to imprisonment for not more than 1 year.”
11. It’s Illegal To Sell And Import Chewing Gum In Singapore
Chewing gum was banned in Singapore in 1992, but currently it is not illegal to chew it, just to import it and sell it. In 2004, the ban had a revision and since then it is possible to buy therapeutic, dental, and nicotine chewing gum from a doctor or registered pharmacist.
12. The Citizens Of Monaco Are Prohibited From Playing In The Monte Carlo Casino
It was always forbidden for residents of Monaco to gamble in The Carlo Casino. When Princess Caroline developed the Monte Carlo Casino in the mid-1800s, she wanted all the revenue to come from foreigners. To compensate Monaco citizens for not allowing this form of entertainment, they are excused from income taxes.
13. You Can’t Take Selfies With Buddha In Sri Lanka
Mistreatment of Buddhist images and artefacts is strictly taboo in Sri Lanka. And when you are taking a selfie, you stand with your back turned to Buddha, which is considered disrespectful, so you shouldn’t take selfies in front of it. They take it very seriously and there was a case of French tourists being convicted under a section of the Penal Code which outlaws deeds intended to wound or insult “the religious feelings of any class of persons” through acts committed in, upon or near sacred objects or places of worship. What did they do you may ask? Well, they were posing for a picture, pretending to kiss a Buddha statue.
14. Until 2015, It Was Illegal To Dance After Midnight In Japan
From 1948 until 2015, it was illegal to dance after midnight in Japan. The ban was designed to stop prostitution that was linked to dance halls, but it wasn’t really enforced. However, the new law says club seating areas can’t be too dark, which is an attempt to discourage crime. Darker clubs should be governed under the old law and have stricter rules for after-midnight operation.
15. In Oshawa, Canada It Is Forbidden To Climb Trees
In the city of Oshawa in Ontario, Canada, it has been prohibited to climb trees since 2008. The law states, “No person shall interfere with a tree or part of a tree located on municipal property, including but not limited to attaching, affixing or placing upon in any manner any object or thing to a tree or part of a tree, and climbing the tree.” The city of Oshawa says that they care about their citizens’ safety so they prohibited this activity which can end with injuries.