Turtles Caught In Hilarious and Adorable Moments

It might seem that turtles are a rare choice when it comes to picking a pet, but here are 60 moments when people online decided to share their adorable pet turtles or pictures that capture how amazing they truly are.

1. They Are Often Seen Following Each Other Around, Sharing Meals And Resting Together. We Hope This Unusual Friendship Continues To Flourish

Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand

2. This Turtle Is Sitting Like A Dog


3. My Grandfather Built A Floating Dock For Turtles In The Lake By Their House, And The Turtles Love It


4. Volunteers Form A Human Wall To Guide Baby Turtles To The Sea

On the first day of July at 4pm, just 52 days after laying, 112 loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings began to climb to the top of their nest in the sand. STCB had Beachkeepers watching closely, as this nest is at risk from the airport lights which can disorientate hatchlings.
When several mini heads appeared above the sand STCB shaded the nest to prevent the hatchlings dehydrating in the hot sand. We then waited until the sun was going down and hatching took place. Here are the images from hatching. Thank you to all the volunteers who formed a human wall to allow the small loggerheads to make their way to the sea in safety.

Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire,Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire

5. Baby Snapping Turtles Look Just Like Little Dinosaurs


6. Baby Turtle Thinks It’s Skydiving


7. Jennifer Slopez Is Forever Determined To Go Downstairs. Had To Put These Gates For Safety. She Does Not Respond To Verbal Commands Like: Turtle! No


8. Tortoises Are Good Cuddle Partners Aswell


9. Baby Tortoises Are God-Like On The Cuteness Scale!!!


10. This Turtle Who Loves Getting His Little Tummy Brushed


11. This Fellow Came To Me On The Beach Today


12. What Do These Two Do On Another Cold Day? Snuggle Under The Heat Lamp Of Course


13. In Creed 2 With My Original Buddies From The First Rocky … Cuff And Link , Now About 46 Years Old


14. I Found My Tortoise Like This. Putting The Clues Together, It Seems He Pooped, Got It Stuck On His Foot, Ran In Circles Trying To Get It Off, And Flipped Over


15. Welcome To The World Baby Razorback


16. Happiness Is A Turtle Eating A Slice Of Orange


17. Fernandina Tortoise, Are Extinct Since 1906, Discovered In An Expedition. She Was Hiding In The Brush Of A Volcano, And Identified By The Look Of Her Shell And Face


18. Neighbor’s Tortoise Escaped And Walked Almost A Street Away. At Around 250 Pounds, This Was Their Solution To Get Her Home


19. Well This Is A First. Couldn’t Find Our Little Man Anywhere, Then We Saw Ralph Basking With Our Two Tortoises


20. We Were Able To Release 170 Hatchlings Today In One Of Our Locations

It is always a calming and satisfying feeling releasing the hatchlings back to where they eggs were laid. All that hard work in the beating sun, watching the females trek through the summer heat, flies, dangerous traffic, predators, and human encroachment… all for the sake of these hatchlings to make it back to the water.


21. Not Sure If You Think Turtles Are Cute But Squirtle Wanted To Say Hi


22. Dad: If We Get A Tortoise I’m Not Looking After It. Also Dad: Get Comfy, Hector, And Let Me Show You Pictures Of Your Brethren


23. Franklin Met A New Friend Today


24. Ever Seen A Bucket Of Baby Sea Turtles? Got To Release Them Last Night Into The Ocean


25. Extremely Rare Albino Turtle Was Found In India And It Looks Like A Slice Of Melted Cheese


26. Turtle On Top A Dog’s Head


27. Someone Has To Protecc Turtles


28. My Dad Keeps Turtles. I Started The Training. Soon I’ll Have My Own Personal Bodyguards


29. Gorgeous Baby Turtle With Bright Orange Tummy And Shell


30. This Baby Turtle Floating Around On A Slice Of Bread


31. My Local Hardware Store Has A Pet Turtle That Wanders The Store Early In The Am


32. My Uncle’s 56 Year Old Tortoise He Inherited From My Grandparents


33. Turtles Have Exceptional Color Vision. They See More Shades Of Red, Which Might Be Why This One’s Mistaking A Blue Jean For A Blueberry


34. Friendship Goals


35. Pup Just Met His First Box Turtle, That’s Adorable


36. This Is Fred. Fred Is 21 Years Old And Lives At Petland In Orlando Florida


37. My 8 Year Old Tortoise Just Woke Up From Hibernation. First Meal Of 2019


38. The Size Difference Between A Full Grown And A Newborn Galapagos Tortoise


39. I Hope I’m Not The Only One Who Finds This Little Snapping Turtle We Found In Our Neighbours Garden Today Cute As All Hell?


40. Cute Leopard Tortoise


41. Today I Released Baby Sea Turtles On Sumba Island. Thought This Pic Was Epic


42. Baby Turtle Hiding Behind Val


43. Four Years Ago, My Wife Rescued A Baby Snapping Turtle From A Busy Street. Snap Has Became Our Really Sweet Pet. The Top Pic Is From Day One, And The Bottom Is Her Last Fall!


44. This Is My Turtle. Thought I’d Show You Guys This Cute Picture


45. I Made A Turtle Stack While She Was Out For A Walk


46. Food Service Has Been Good Lately! Keep It Up My Servant Lady!


47. My Cute Red-Footed Tortoise Dixie Acting Like Bulbasaur


48. I Found A Tiny Baby Turtle Today. Best Day Ever


49. Family Of Tortoises Enjoying Breakfast


50. Researchers Estimate One In Every 100,000 Turtle Hatchlings Is Albino. Here You Have Two Siblings


51. I Work At A Zoo, And Today A 500lb Tortoise Tried To Escape


52. I Watched An Eastern Painted Turtle Dig A Nest And Lay 5 Eggs By My Apartment


53. We Monitor Sea Turtle Nests For The State And Sometimes We Find Baby Sea Turtles That Didn’t Escape The Nests. We Release Them To Give Them Another Shot At Life


54. Going For A Walk


55. Well Hello There Guys


56. This Is Thomas, He Is Last Male Of His Species. He Is 160+ Years Old. He Has Been In My Family For A Few Generations And We’ve Protected, Cared For Him All This Time


57. Three Months Ago I Watched A Painted Turtle Dig A Nest And Lay 6 Eggs Near My Apartment. All 6 Baby Turtles Are Healthy And Ready To Go To The Pond


58. Just Got This Turtle For My Birthday, He Looks Soo Cute


59. Snug As A Bug In A Rug


60. World, Meet “Turbo”. She’s 30+, Very Grumpy And Pees On Anyone Who Looks At Her Wrong. I Love Her

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