You’re walking on a forest path, admiring the walls of trees alongside you. The fresh air, the chirping birds, the crunch of moss and fallen leaves underneath your feet, the distant gurgling of a stream. It’s paradise on earth. A moment of stillness. A time for…what in the heck is that?! Strange is an understatement, but calling it weird is mayhaps rude. Fact is—Mother Nature has created a plethora of different living beings, and you’ve now come across not one, not two, but dozens of them! Shared by strangest_wildlife.
1. Black And Rufous Elephant Shrew: One Of The 17 Species Of Elephant Shrew Found Only In Africa
The Black And Rufous Elephant Shrew,(Rhynchocyon Petersi) The Black And Rufous Sengi, Or The Zanj Elephant Shrew, is native to the lowland montane and dense forests of Kenya and Tanzania. Like other members of the genus Rhynchocyon, it is a relatively large species, with adults averaging about 28 cm (11 in) in length and 450-700 g (1.0-1.5 lb) in weight.

2. The Pallas’s Cat (Otocolobus Manul), Also Called Manul, Is A Small Wild Cat With A Broad But Fragmented Distribution In The Grasslands And Montane Steppes Of Central Asia
It is negatively affected by habitat degradation, prey base decline, and hunting, and has therefore been classified as Near Threatened by IUCN since 2002. The Pallas’s cat is about the size of a domestic cat. The combination of its stocky posture and long, dense fur makes it appear stout and plush.

3. Harpy Eagle: The Harpy Eagle (Harpia Harpyja) Is A Neotropical Species Of Eagle
It is also called the American harpy eagle to distinguish it from the Papuan eagle, which is sometimes known as the New Guinea harpy eagle or Papuan harpy eagle. It is the largest and most powerful raptor found throughout its range, and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests in the upper (emergent) canopy layer.

4. The Sarcastic Fringehead, Neoclinus Blanchardi, Is A Small But Ferocious Fish Which Has A Large Mouth And Aggressive Territorial Behavior, For Which It Has Been Given Its Common Name
When two fringeheads have a territorial battle, they wrestle by pressing their distended mouths against each other, as if they were kissing. This allows them to determine which is the larger fish, which establishes dominance

5. The Okapi Is A Giraffid Artiodactyl Mammal Native To The Northeast Of The Congo In Central Africa
Although the okapi bears striped markings reminiscent of zebras, it is most closely related to the giraffe. The okapi and the giraffe are the only living members of the family Giraffidae. It has a long neck, and large and flexible ears. Its coat is a chocolate to reddish brown, much in contrast with the white horizontal stripes and rings on the legs and white ankles.

6. Mantis Shrimp Or Stomatopods Are Marine Crustaceans, The Members Of The Order Stomatopoda
Most species can grow to around 10 centimetres (3.9 in) in length, though a few species reach up to 38 cm (15 in). The largest ever caught has a length of 46 cm (18 in) in the Indian River near Fort Pierce, Florida of USA. They sport powerful claws that they use to attack and kill prey by spearing, stunning, or dismemberment. In captivity, some larger species are capable of breaking through aquarium glass with a single strike.

7. This “Troll-Haired” Bug Is One Of The Coolest-Looking Insects We’ve Ever Seen
The tiny unidentified creature, which is only 5 millimeters long, was found in the Suriname rainforest by ecologists who discovered 60 new species on a research expedition in 2012. This photo of the planthopper was featured on National Geographic. The bug’s wild “hairdo” is actually waxy secretions from its abdomen that are thought to be a defense mechanism to distract predators from its more vulnerable parts, according to conservation biologist Trond Larsen. “It could be that they fool a predator into attacking the wrong part of the insect, and the wax breaks off while the insect jumps to safety,” The rainforest in southern Suriname is “among the most remote and unexplored tracts of rainforest left on the earth.”

8. The Emperor Tamarin, Also Known As The Brockway Monkey, (Saguinus Imperator)
Species of tamarin allegedly named for its resemblance to the German emperor Wilhelm II. It lives in the southwest Amazon Basin, in east Peru, north Bolivia and in the west Brazilian states of Acre and Amazonas. The fur of the emperor tamarin is predominantly grey colored, with yellowish speckles on its chest. The hands and feet are black and the tail is brown. Outstanding is its long, white mustache, which extends to both sides beyond the shoulders.

4. A Salp (Plural Salps) Or Salpa (Plural Salpae Or Salpas) Is A Barrel-Shaped, Planktonic Tunicate
It moves by contracting, thus pumping water through its gelatinous body. Salp jet propulsion is one of the most efficient in the animal kingdom. The salp strains the pumped water through its internal feeding filters, feeding on phytoplankton.

5. The Aye-Aye Is A Lemur, A Strepsirrhine Primate Native To Madagascar That Combines Rodent-Like Teeth And A Special Thin Middle Finger To Fill The Same Ecological Niche As A Woodpecker
It is the world’s largest nocturnal primate, and is characterized by its unusual method of finding food; it taps on trees to find grubs, then gnaws holes in the wood using its forward slanting incisors to create a small hole in which it inserts its narrow middle finger to pull the grubs out. This foraging method is called percussive foraging. The only other animal species known to find food in this way is the striped possum. From an ecological point of view the aye-aye fills the niche of a woodpecker, as it is capable of penetrating wood to extract the invertebrates within.

6. The Thorny Dragon Or Thorny Devil Is An Australian Lizard, Also Known As The Mountain Devil, The Thorny Lizard, Or The Moloch
This is the sole species of genus Moloch. The thorny devil grows up to 20 cm (8.0 in) in length, and it can live for up to 20 years. Most of these lizards are coloured in camouflaging shades of desert browns and tans. These colours change from pale colours during warm weather and to darker colours during cold weather. These animals are covered entirely with conical spines that are mostly uncalcified.

7. Flower Mantises Are Those Species Of Praying Mantis That Mimic Flowers
Their coloration is an example of aggressive mimicry, a form of camouflage in which a predator’s colours and patterns lure prey. Most species of flower mantis are in the family Hymenopodidae. Their behaviour varies, but typically involves climbing a plant until they reach a suitable flower, and then staying still until a prey insect comes within range. Many of these mantises have deimatic displays to startle or put off potential predators.

8. Puss Mouth Catepillar: The Larvae Of The Puss Moth Caterpillar Is Said To Resemble A Persian Cat, Contributing The “Puss” To The Name Of This Intimidating Caterpillar
If the off-putting appearance of this insect were not enough, it also happens to be one of the most toxic caterpillars in North America.

9. The Atlantic Wolffish Is Also Known As The Seawolf, Atlantic Catfish, Ocean Catfish, Devil Fish, Wolf Eel
Numbers of the Atlantic wolffish are diminishing rapidly thought to be due to overfishing, they live in cold waters and have a natural antifreeze in their blood.

10. Pacu: A Common Species Of Omnivorous South American Freshwater Fish That Appear To Have Human Teeth
They are related to the piranha. Pacu and piranha do not have similar teeth, the main difference being jaw alignment; piranha have pointed, razor-sharp teeth in a pronounced underbite, whereas pacu have squarer, straighter teeth, like a human, and a less severe underbite, or a slight overbite. Additionally, full-grown pacu are much larger than piranha, reaching up to 0.9 m (3 feet) and 25 kg (55 pounds) in the wild.

11. A Tarsier Is A Small Primate, Weighing Around 150g
It has remarkably large eyes, each one the same size and weight as its brain. A tarsier’s hindlimb length is the result of elongation of the foot’s tarsal bones, unique among mammals. This clever adaptation gives it the longest hindlimbs of any mammal relative to body length, without loss of dexterity. There are fewer than ten species of tarsier, all similarly adept at leaping and clinging. Once attached to tree they can be incredibly difficult to remove. Once widespread, tarsiers were once found in North America, Europe and Asia. Today their range is restricted to the forested archipelagos of southeast Asia.

12. The Malayan Tapir, Also Called The Asian Tapir, Is The Largest Of The Five Species Of Tapir And The Only One Native To Asia
The animal is easily identified by its markings, most notably the light-colored patch that extends from its shoulders to its rear end. The rest of its hair is black, except for the tips of its ears, which, as with other tapirs, are rimmed with white. This pattern is for camouflage; the disrupted coloration makes it more difficult to recognize it as a tapir, and other animals may mistake it for a large rock rather than prey when it is lying down to sleep. When they are born, the babies are striped.

13. Hydrocynus Goliath, Also Known As The Goliath Tigerfish, Giant Tigerfish, Or Mbenga, Is An African Predatory Freshwater Fish
This large-toothed, highly predatory fish grows to a length of 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) and a weight of 15.5 kilograms (34 lb). A number of incidents have been reported in The Congo of this fish attacking humans. This seems to be the result of disturbances and flashing objects in the water that makes the fish mistake a human for a large fish. This reputation, combined with its strength, has earned it an almost mythical status among anglers, and it has been called the “greatest freshwater gamefish in the world. According to locals living near the river, the evil spirit “mbenga” would enter the fish and make it attack people.

14. The Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella Pygmaea) Is A Small New World Monkey Native To Rainforests Of The Western Amazon Basin In South America
It is notable for being the smallest monkey and one of the smallest primates in the world at just over 100 grams (3.5 oz). It is generally found in evergreen and river edge forests and is a gum-feeding specialist. About 83% of the pygmy marmoset population lives in stable troops of two to nine individuals, including a dominant male, a breeding female, and up to four successive litters of offspring. The modal size of a standard stable troop would be 6 individuals.Although most groups consist of family members, some may also include 1-2 additional adult members. Members of the group communicate using a complex system including vocal, chemical, and visual signals. There are three main calling signals that depend on the distance the call needs to travel. These monkeys may also make visual displays when threatened or to show dominance.

15. This Strange Fish (Yes, It Is A Fish!) That Looks More Like A Gigantic Rock Or Fossil Is Actually The Heaviest Known Bony Fish In The World
The Mola Mola, as the Ocean Sunfish is also known can grow up to 1.8 – 3.3m (5.9- 10.8 ft) and can weigh a staggering 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs)! Native to temperate and tropical waters around the World, this Pelagic fish can swim to depths of about 600 m (2,000 ft). This monster of a fish is seemingly docile towards humans and many divers have enjoyed the company of the Ocean Sunfish while Scuba diving. The fish however is not so loved by boaters as there have been instances of sunfish colliding with boats while surfacing causing significant damage to the boats. Ocean Sunfish can even jump out the water at the surface up to a height 10 feet (3 meters) in the air and land with a splash to shake off parasites that infest their skin.

16. The World’s Smallest Species Of Snake, With Adults Averaging Just Less Than Four Inches In Length, Has Been Identified On The Caribbean Island Of Barbados
The species, which is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter. L. carlae is thought to feed primarily on a diet of termites and ant larvae. Threadsnakes are oviparous, laying eggs to reproduce. The female of this snake species produces only one large egg at a time. The emerging offspring is about half the length of the mother.

17. Theridion Grallator, Also Known As The Happy Face Spider, Is A Spider In The Family Theridiidae
Its Hawaiian name is nananana makakiʻi (face-patterned spider). Certain morphs have a pattern resembling a smiley face or a grinning clown face on their yellow body. Each spider has a unique pattern, and the patterns differ from island to island. Some lack markings altogether. The variation is possibly a kind of camouflage against birds, their only natural enemies of significance, to counteract pattern recognition by predators. As the pattern may change according to what food the spider has eaten. It is very small, hides during the day, and is thus not a significant prey item for any species of predator, it is more likely that the bizarre variety of patterns serves no significant adaptive purpose at all.

18. The Gerenuk Is A Long-Necked Species Of Antelope Found In Dry Thorn Shrubland And Desert In The Horn Of Africa And The African Great Lakes Region
The Gerenuk, Litocranius Walleri, Also Known As The Waller’s Gazelle. The word gerenuk comes from the word in the Somali language, Garanuug, meaning “giraffe-necked”. Gerenuk are sometimes also called the giraffe-necked antelope.

19. Shoebill Bird: The Shoebill Also Known As Whalehead Or Shoe-Billed Stork, Is A Very Large Stork-Like Bird
It derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped bill. Although it has a somewhat stork-like overall form and has previously been classified in the order Ciconiiformes, its true affiliations with other living birds is ambiguous. The adult is mainly grey while the juveniles are browner. It lives in tropical east Africa in large swamps from Sudan to Zambia.

20. Pink Sea Through Fantasia Is An Incredible Creature That Was Only Recently Discovered
It is a previously unknown species of free swimming sea cucumber. The aptly named Pink Sea Through Cucumber was found in the Celebes Sea. This is a remote area of the western Pacific Ocean. The area is bordered by the Sulu Archipelago, Mindanao Island of the Philippines, the Sangihe Islands, Sulawesi, and by Indonesia. The Pink Sea Through Fantasia was discovered dwelling at a depth of approximately 8,200 ft. (2,500 m.). The amazing creature was discovered by a team of scientists and underwater photographers. They were from the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration. The experts were working in conjunction with others on a research expedition. Virtually no data is available on this creature to date.

21. The Saiga Antelope Is A Critically Endangered Antelope That Originally Inhabited A Vast Area Of The Eurasian Steppe Zone
Today, the dominant subspecies is only found in one location in Russia and three areas in Kazakhstan. It is extinct in People’s Republic of China and southwestern Mongolia. It was hunted extensively in Romania and Moldova until it became extinct in those regions in the end of the 18th century.

22. Deep-Sea Hatchetfishes Are Small Deep-Sea Mesopelagic Ray-Finned Fish
There are about 45 species of hatchetfish that vary in size from one to six inches. They are most well known for their extremely thin bodies that resemble the blade of a hatchet and ability to create their own light through a process called bioluminescence. These special light-producing organs are known as photophores, which run along the length of the body. Scientists predict that they can adjust the intensity of their lights to make them nearly invisible from predators. Hatchetfish are found in most temperate waters around the world and at depths ranging from 180 to 1,370 metres.

23. Zebra Duiker Is A Type Of Small Antelope
It can be found only in the certain parts of West Africa: in the eastern parts of Liberia, on the Ivory Coast and in the Sierra Leone. Zebra duiker prefers a life in dense vegetation of rainforests. Number of zebra duiker declined for 30% compared to original population due to extensive habitat loss and hunt in the last couple of years. Local people hunt zebra duiker because of its meat. These animals are listed as vulnerable. If the current tempo of extinction continues, they will soon become endangered.

25. The Mata Mata Is Strictly An Aquatic Species But It Prefers Standing In Shallow Water Where Its Snout Can Reach The Surface To Breathe
The Mata Mata inhabits slow moving, blackwater streams, stagnant pools, marshes, and swamps ranging into Northern Bolivia, Eastern Peru, Ecuador, Eastern Colombia, Venezuela, The Guianas, and Northern and Central Brazil.

26. Meet The Snake-Mimicking Butterfly (Dynastor Darius)
While this slick master of disguise may show off impeccable imitation skills, prior to taking on this serpentine appearance it was simply a furry, nondescript caterpillar, and it looked pretty much how you would expect any old caterpillar to look.To enter into the pupal stage, D. darius must form a chrysalis to kickstart its metamorphosis into a snake-mime. The protective case in which the butterfly larva liquefies itself does bear a strong resemblance to the carnivorous reptiles, much like the galled face of a Metapod. The pods hang from leaves in the forests of Trinidad for up to 13 days. While the insect changeling is immobile this sly animal trickery can ward off potential predators, such as birds, fooling them into thinking that the unmoving pod is the head of a potential predator.

27. The Thorny Dragon Or Thorny Devil Is An Australian Lizard, Also Known As The Mountain Devil, The Thorny Lizard, Or The Moloch
The thorny devil grows up to 20 cm (8.0 in) in length, and it can live for up to 20 years. Most of these lizards are coloured in camouflaging shades of desert browns and tans. These colours change from pale colours during warm weather and to darker colours during cold weather. These animals are covered entirely with conical spines that are mostly uncalcified. The thorny dragon also features a spiny “false head” on the back of its neck, and the lizard presents this to potential predators by dipping its real head. The “false head” is made of soft tissue.

28. Patagonian Mara: A Relatively Large Rodent In The Mara Genus
It is also known as the Patagonian cavy, Patagonian hare or dillaby. This herbivorous, somewhat rabbit-like animal is found in open and semi-open habitats in Argentina, including large parts of Patagonia. It is monogamous, but often breeds in warrens that are shared by several pairs.

29. Dracaena Cinnabari, The Socotra Dragon Tree Or Dragon Blood Tree, Is A Dragon Tree Native To The Socotra Archipelago In The Indian Ocean
The dragon blood tree is the most famous and distinctive plant of the island of Socotra. It has a unique and strange appearance, described as “upturned, densely packed crown having the shape of an uprightly held umbrella”. This evergreen species is named after its dark red resin, which is known as “dragon’s blood”. When cut, it appears to bleed because of the color of the sap.

30. Colugos Are Arboreal Gliding Mammals Found In Southeast Asia
Just two extant species make up the entire family Cynocephalidae. They are the most capable gliders of all gliding mammals, using flaps of extra skin between their legs to glide from higher to lower locations. They are also known as cobegos or flying lemurs, though they are not true lemurs.

31. Long Horned Orb Weaver Spider
This is the type of creature that’s cool to see in photos but you never want to see in your home. The long-horned orb weaver spider has eight eyes and long, horn-looking spines protruding from its abdomen. This particular spider can be found in the forests and fields of Asia.

32. Sea Pigs Are In Fact A Type Of Sea Cucumber
Sea cucumbers are echinoderms, a group of marine animals that includes sea urchins and starfish.Sea pigs are found in all the world’s oceans. In some areas, they comprise more than 95% of the total weight of animals on the deep-sea floor. Despite their abundance, most people will never see a sea pig, as they live in the coldest and deepest parts of the ocean.

33. Pyura Chilensisit Can Be Difficult To Believe, But These “Rocks” Are Living, Breathing Organisms
Their appearance allows them to blend into Chilean beaches and avoid predators. Interestingly, these creatures have both male and female organs and can breed individually. Pyura chilensis is a tunicate that somewhat resembles a mass of organs inside a rock. It is a filter feeder that eats by sucking in seawater and filtering out microorganisms.

34. Indian Purple Frog Is A Frog Species Belonging To The Family Sooglossidae
It can be found in the Western Ghats in India. Names in English that also have been used for this species are purple frog or pignose frog. With its closest relatives in the Seychelles, Nasikabatrachus is thought to have evolved separately for millions of years. Its discovery also adds to the evidence that Madagascar and the Seychelles separated from the Indian landmass sometime well after the breakup of Gondwana had started.

35. The Longhorn Cowfish Inhabit The Reefs Of The Indo-Pacific, Usually In The Less Turbid Waters
The body is tan to yellow and covered with white and blue dots, and is occasionally referred to as the Yellow Boxfish. Adults are reef fish, often solitary and territorial, live around sand or rubble bottom up to a depth of 50 m. They are omnivorous, feeding upon benthic algae, various microorganisms, and foraminiferans that it strains from sediments, sponges, polychaete worms from sand flats, mollusks, small crustaceans, and small fishes, able to feed on benthic invertebrates by blowing jets of water into the sandy substrate.

36. The Hercules Beetle (Dynastes Hercules) Is The Most Famous And The Largest Of The Rhinoceros Beetles
It is native to the rainforests of Central America, South America, and the Lesser Antilles. It is the largest of the six species in the Dynastes genus, and one of the largest beetles known, up to 17 cm (6.5 in) in size. They roam the forest floor in search of decaying fruit.

37. The Coconut Crab Is A Species Of Terrestrial Hermit Crab, Also Known As The Robber Crab Or Palm Thief
It is the largest land-living arthropod in the world, and is probably at the upper size limit for terrestrial animals with exoskeletons in recent Earth atmosphere, with a weight of up to 4.1 kg (9.0 lb). It can grow to up to 1 m (3 ft 3 in) in length from leg to leg. It is found on islands across the Indian Ocean and parts of the Pacific Ocean as far east as the Gambier Islands mirroring the distribution of the coconut palm; it has been extirpated from most areas with a significant human population, including mainland Australia and Madagascar.

38. Because It Remains Buried Most Of Its Life, The Common Ant-Lion Is All But Invisible
Brought to the surface it reveals itself as one of the strangest creatures imaginable.

39. Amblypygi Is An Order Of Invertebrate Animals Belonging To The Class Arachnida, In The Subphylum Chelicerata Of The Phylum Arthropoda
They form a separate order of arachnids alongside the spiders, scorpions, and others. Amblypygids are also known as whip spiders and tailless whip scorpions (not to be confused with whip scorpions that belong to the Arachnid order Thelyphonida). The name “amblypygid” means “blunt rump”, a reference to a lack of the flagellum (“tail”). They are harmless to humans. Amblypygids possess no silk glands or venomous fangs. They rarely bite if threatened, but can grab fingers with pedipalps, resulting in thorn-like puncture injury.

40. The Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias Davidianus) Is The Largest Salamander And Largest Amphibian In The World
Reaching a length of 180 cm (6 ft), although it rarely—if ever—reaches that size today. It is endemic to rocky, mountain streams and lakes in China. It also occurs in Taiwan, probably as a result of introduction. It is considered critically endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and overcollection, as it is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been listed as one of the top 10 “focal species” in 2008 by the Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) project. The Chinese giant salamander is considered to be a “living fossil.” This species is classified as critically endangered in the IUCN Red List because of a massive population decline of more than 80% since the 1950s.

41. The Giant Weta Is The Heaviest Insect In The World
Dating back to the time of the dinosaurs, the giant weta has not changed much, and has grown so large that they can’t jump. In total there are eleven species of giant weta, and they are unique to the country of New Zealand. Often referred to as the worlds largest insect, or the largest insect on earth, the giant weta can measure 4 in. in length not including the legs and antennae. The giant weta is a nationally endangered species of New Zealand, and the country has invested in launching breeding programs to help reestablish the giant weta after human interaction and the introduction of nonnative species to their habitats.

42. Lampreys Are Any Jawless Fish Of The Order Petromyzontiformes
The adult lamprey may be characterized by a toothed, funnel-like sucking mouth. Although they are well known for boring into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood, in fact only a minority do so; only 18 species of lampreys are actually parasitic. The lampreys are a very ancient lineage of vertebrates, though their exact relationship to hagfishes and jawed vertebrates is still a matter of dispute.

43. The Giant Gippsland Earthworm, Megascolides Australis, Is One Of Australia’s 1,000 Native Earthworm Species
These giant earthworms average 1 metre (3.3 ft) long and 2 centimetres (0.79 in) in diameter and can reach 3 metres (9.8 ft) in length; however, their body is able to expand and contract making them appear much larger. On average they weigh about 200 grams (0.44 lb). They have a dark purple head and a blue-grey body, and about 300 to 400 body segments.

44. Peruvian Giant Yellow-Leg Centipede Or Amazonian Giant Centipede, Is One Of The Largest Centipedes Of The Genus Scolopendra With A Length Up To 30 Cm (12 In)
This species is found in various places in South America and the Caribbean, where it preys on a great variety of animals, including other sizable arthropods, amphibians, mammals and reptiles. These arthropods have surged in popularity among collectors of exotic pets. They are known to be very aggressive and nervous.

45. Monkey Slug Caterpillar A.k.a. A Hag Moth Caterpillar (Phobetron Pithecium)
These weird caterpillars are pretty distinctive; they have six hairy, curly projections spiraling out from their fuzzy body. The legs have been reduced to suction cups, which allows it to make the slug-like movement.