We usually think of weighing oneself as a not-very-pleasing endeavor we either do and no questions asked, or blatantly ignore. But it’s a whole different story if we’re talking adorable and tiny animals being put on scales.
Here are 25 photos of animal care workers use for weighing different animals.
1. Koala Being Weight

2. A Cub Gets Weighed At Bifengxia Panda Base In Sichuan Province, China

3. Its Weigh Day!

4. I Work At A Bird Banding Station, And We Use Burritos To Weigh The Owls We Catch

5. Here’s How You Weigh A Baby Giraffe

6. Wrapping Wiggly Patients, Such As This Saw-whet Owl, In A Specially Designed Wrap Makes It Easier To Weigh Them

7. Southern Rockhopper Penguin

8. Bucket Sheep’ weight Measurement For Lambs

9. Baby Zebra Being Weighed

10. Here’s How You Weigh A Baby Orangutan

11. Filed Under – “How To Weigh A Wild Sloth”

12. This Baby Bat Sitting Patiently Whilst Being Weighed

13. Weighing A Lion Cub

14. Our New Kitten Had To Be Tricked Into Being Weighed

15. Baby Koala Being Weighed

16. Puppy Weighed

17. Weighing A Baby Stingray

18. Weighing A Baby Porcupine (A Porcupette!).

19. How To Weigh A Prairie Dog

20. Upside Down Weighing

21. Weighing A Baby Lemur

22. Move Over! I Get In, Too!

23. This Is How You Weigh A Koala Joey

24. Baby Wombats Getting Their Weight Checked

25. A Bowl Of Baby Otters Being Weighed