Whether you’re walking the streets of a city you know like the palm of your hand or someplace completely unfamiliar, some buildings might make you stop dead in your tracks. It’s because some architectural gems are so astonishing, they never cease to impress the passersby or catch their attention, be it for all the right or wrong reasons.
1. Ribbon Wedding Chapel In Hiroshima, Japan

2. Geisel Library – 1970

3. Science And Technology Museum, Wuhan

4. No Clue What This. Wenzhou, China

5. I Dont Think Balcony Is The Word For These Pod Things

6. Port Authority, Antwerp, Belgium (2016)

7. Duinhotel Tien Torens, Netherlands.

8. This Is The New Greek Orthodox Church In Lower Manhattan Designed By Santiago Calatrava

9. Shoreditch Hotel In London

10. The Central Mosque – Cologne, Germany

11. Luma Arles. Often Called An Architectural Folly. Or A Crushed Soda Can By The Locals. I Like It. Arles, France

12. Kunsthaus (Art House) Graz Art Museum (Aka The “Friendly Alien”), Graz, Austria – 2003. Designed By Colin Fournier And Sir Peter Cook

13. “The Wave” Residential Building In Vejle, Denmark

14. Us Embassy In London, UK

15. It’s Actually A Real House. It Was Featured On Netflix’s World’s Most Extraordinary Homes

16. Meanwhile In Canada

17. Grand Shopping Center, Facts Emporia, Malmo, Sweden

18. A Good Friend Of Mine Discovered This In Florida. I Wonder What Would Oscar Niemeyer Say About It?

19. What’s The Inside Like?

20. Louis Vuitton’s Flagship Ginza (Japan) Store

21. Baby Borg Cube. Decorative, Not Functional

22. Mi’costa Hotel Residences, Cesme, Izmir Peninsula Of Turkey (2013) By Uras X Dilekci Architects

23. Not In The Western Hemisphere

24. What Is This? Soda Experiment Gone Wrong? Architect Parent And Their Toddler Do Project Together?

25. Who Wants Some Chinese Gothic Style Apartments?

26. Not Sure What It Is, But I’m Pretty Sure It’s Malignant

27. This One May Not Seem Strange But There Is A Glass Bottomed Pool Suspended 200 Ft Off The Ground

28. Los Angeles

29. Talk About A Building That Fits In With Its Neighbors! Woohoo! But, Who’s Going To Clean Those Windows?

30. Apartment Building In Poland

31. Located In Mississauga, Ontario

32. Orange Julep In Montréal

33. But Can It Blow Up A Planet?

34. Casa De Napoli – Aldo Lori Rossi

35. It’s The Leasing Office Of An Apt Complex

36. Gangnam, Seoul

37. Mirador Building, Madrid

38. A Lot Going On Here (None Of It Good)

39. Can Someone Explain What This Is?

40. New Apartment Building In St Louis Missouri

41. Tower Near Obere Augartenstrasse

42. Anyone Know About This In Detroit?

43. What Do You Think Of This?

44. Smart Passive House With Green Roof In Moscow, Russia By Snegiri Architects