And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry, and the waters were divided… However, no magic was necessary this time. Ro Koster and Ad Kil Architects built this almost invisible bridge for crossing the defensive fortress in Halsteren, the Netherlands.

What makes the Moses Invisible Bridge so unique is that it is almost entirely submerged. The designers created a trench and allowed the water to fill it, giving the illusion that the bridge is floating on water. The bridge leads visitors to a network of paths that take them through the surrounding natural landscape.

The bridge uses natural materials, with wooden planks forming the walkway and the walls of the trench made of soil. This approach gives the bridge an organic, earthy feel that blends in perfectly with its surroundings.

The amazing sunken bridge sits within the water and slope surrounding the 17th Century Dutch fort and gives visitors a unique opportunity to walk trough parted waters like Moses.

The bridge was made from Accsys Technologies’ Accoya wood sheet pilling on either side with a hardwood deck and stairs in between. Accoya wood was chosen for its durability, stability and sustainable benefits and is constructed using a tongue and groove method.