Sometimes, it’s hard to put into words what you want to find on the internet. You just know it has to be Rarely Seen, catch your eye, make you think, and teach you something new.
Here are rarely seen photos to provide with a refreshingly unique view of the world.
1. This Little Transparent Guy Landed On Me In The Ecuadorian Amazon

2. Tulips Blooming In The Snow

3. An Extremely Rare Melanistic Serval

4. Albino Peacock In My Miami Neighborhood

5. A Purple Grasshopper Found In My Garden

6. A Curly-Haired Horse

7. This Sea Slug, Which Looks Like A Leaf, Can Go Without Eating For 9 Months, Because It Can Photosynthesize Just Like A Plant While Basking In The Sun

8. This Funky Little Ribbon Cloud Outside My Plane Window

9. The Wool Of An Australian Merino Sheep

10. Fin Whale Vertebrae Beneath The Water Near Kongsfjorden, Norway

11. Translucent Blue Tang

12. Sun Through A UV Lens

13. Assisted Living Facility Made To Look Like A Small 1940s American Town

14. This Is A Music Typewriter: How Music Was Typed Before Computers

15. My Grandparents Clock Measures Time On A One Week Scale Instead Of A 12 Hour One

16. This Mutated Daisy

17. Gaze Upon All Of Mercury For The First Time Ever

18. 140 Million Year Old, 500 Kg Dinosaur Femur Discovered In France

19. This Teal Cicada I Saw

20. Long Exposure Of A Firework Taking Off

21. Dinosaur Footprints In France

22. This Super-Cautious Crab Scoping Me Out

23. This Butterfly Is A Bilateral Gynandromorph, Literally Half Male, Half Female

24. Transparent Fish

25. This Purple Roly Poly I Found Today

26. Albino Plant

@Fred Michel
27. This Pink Grasshopper Found On Kelleys Island, Ohio

28. Valonia Ventricosa, The Largest Single-Celled Organism On Earth. Yep, This Is A Single Living Cell

28. The 4.5 Billion Year Old Fukang Meteorite

29. Freeze-Dried Dragonfruit Is One Of The Most Vibrant Natural Examples Of The Color Fuchsia

30. One Of Four Heads Fashioned From Cotton, Soap And Human Hair Placed By Alcatraz Prisoners In Their Beds To Aid Their Escape In 1962

31. How An Overnight Freeze Squeezed Water Out Of The Ground And Froze It At One Of Our Job Sites