Penduline Tits(Remiz pendulinus) are small songbirds that are known for their clever nesting habits. They live in wetlands throughout Europe and Asia, and their nests are often built near water or overhanging rivers.

What makes them unique is that they create a fake entrance to their nest to trick predators. This fake entrance is a small tunnel that leads to a small chamber that is not actually connected to the rest of their nest.

They range from 3 to 4,3 inches (7.5 to 11 centimeters) in length and sport a brown back, gray head, and a distinctive black mask. The markings of some subspecies could also include other colors as well. For example, the European penduline tit has black and chestnut markings.

They build pear-shaped nests on the branches of willow or birch trees. First, the male begins the construction of the nest by attaching plant fibers and fluffy seeds to the twigs and branches. Then, with the help of the female, they vow the other parts of the pouch-like nest with spiderweb, wool, animal hair, and other soft plant material. The result is a very elaborate nest that is suspended from the tree.

Thanks to this clever design, penduline tits protect their eggs and themselves. This false entrance leads to an empty chamber. The birds can enter the real nesting chamber by opening a hidden door. Since this flap is partly composed of sticky spider webs, they can easily close it from the inside after they enter, or when they are leaving the nest. When a predator tries to enter the nest of the penduline tit, it’s gonna find itself in an empty pouch of the nest.