Twenty years ago, you would have been the coolest kid on the block for carrying a Nokia 3310. But time flies and technological innovation accelerates along with it. Today, we live in a world ruled by touch screens, face recognition, and machine learning, so imagine what the technology was like a century ago, or two. In order to find out, we’re taking you on a historical roller coaster to see what ancient technologies defined the future a hundred years ago.
1. Kodak K-24 Camera, Used For Aerial Photography During Ww2 By The Americans

2. 300 Year Old Library Tool That Enabled A Researcher To Have Seven Books Open At Once, Yet Conveniently Nearby (Palafoxiana Library, Puebla)

3. 350 Year Old Pocket Watch Carved From A Single Colombian Emerald

4. A British Couple Sleeps Inside A “Morrison Shelter” Used As Protection From Collapsing Homes During The WWII ‘Blitz’ Bombing Raids… March 1941

5. Robo-Vac, A Self-Proppeled Vacuum Cleaner Part Of Whirlpool’s Miracle Kitchen Of The Future, A Display At The 1959 American National Exhibition In Moscow, 1959

6. Helen, An American Indian Telephone And Switchboard Operator, Montana, 1925

7. Soviet Peasants Listen To The Radio For The First Time, 1928

8. Motorized Roller-Skate Salesman In California, 1961

9. One-Wheel Motorcycle, Germany, 1925

10. A 5mb Hard Disk Drive Being Loaded Onto A Plane, In 1956

11. Using A Two-Horn Listening Device At Bolling Field In Washington, D.c., In 1921 Before The Invention Of Radar, To Listen For Distant Aircraft

12. 1911: Chester Mcduffee And His Ads Diving Suit, Aluminum Alloy Weighing 485 Lbs/200 Kg

13. A Man With A Punt Gun, A Type Of Large Shotgun Used For Duck Hunting. It Could Kill Over 50 Birds At Once And Was Banned In The Late 1860s

14. The Sea Shadow – An Experimental Stealth Ship Built For The Us Navy To Test New Technologies For Surface Ships. 1980s

15. Steam Locomotive On A Cable Car, Crossing The Canyon Of The Rio Grande River In New Mexico, USA, In 1915

16. Judy Sullivan, Lead Engineer For The Apollo 11 Biomedical System, 1969

17. A Look Into The Future Or A Blast From The Past? Gas Resistant Pram From 1938, Ww2.

18. The World’s 1st Digital Image, 1957

19. Forging Press In The Krupp Factory, Essen, Germany, 1928

20. The New York Central Streamliner ‘Mercury’ Passes Through New York City Hall, 1936

21. Portable TV, 1967

22. Austro-Hungarian Tail Gunner Armed With Ten Mauser C96 Handguns, Wwi

23. 1972 Maserati Boomerang – Steering Wheel

24. Concorde’s Cockpit – One Of The Most Complex Cockpits In History.

25. Dive Suit From 1878, Housed At The Maritime Museum In Paris

26. This Is The First Computer Mouse Invented By Douglas Carl Engelbart. It Was A Wooden Box With Only One Button

27. Amphibious Bicycle, This Land-And-Water Bike Can Carry A Load Of 120 Pounds; Paris, 1932

28. Early Gps. Yesteryear’s Tomtom, A Rolling Key Map That Passes Through The Screen In A Tempo Determined By The Speed Of The Car; 1932

29. Polish Policeman In Full Assault Gear, 1934

30. Giant Mechanical Tricycles By The Boston Woven Hose And Rubber Company, 1896

31. Radio Stroller, Stroller Equipped With A Radio, Including Antenna And Loudspeaker, To Keep The Baby Quiet; USA, 1921

32. So Ahead Of Its Time

33. All-Terrain Car, This All-Terrain Car Can Descend Slopes Up To 65 Degrees; England, 1936

34. People Wearing Earbuds Listening To A Phonograph With For The First Time During A Cattle Show In Tonstad, Norway, C. 1890’s

35. Royal Flying Corps Pilot Cadet Practices Deflection Shooting From A Moving Platform Installed On Rails And Launched At High Speed, In Egypt, July 17th, 1918

36. American Built Tank Called “America”, Designed By Professor E.f. Miller Of The Massachusetts Institute Of Technology. 1918

37. New Zealanders Posing With World’s First Anti-Tank Rifle, German “Tankgewehr M1918”, Grévillers, August 25th, 1918

38. Testing Early Television Technology, New York, 1959

39. During World War II, Almost Every Motorized Vehicle In Continental Europe Was Converted To Use Firewood As Fuel. The Imbert Gasification Generator Was Mass Produced From 1931 On

40. A Modern Smart Phone On A Vintage Telephone Operator Booth From A Small Town Of A Third World Country