Amazing Images Capture Ocean’s Gentle Giants In Full Flight As They Feed Off Monterey Bay

From time to time, nature shows itself in full splendor to remind us of how small we really are. This power has recently been captured in the Californian waters on Monterey Bay. The bay is home to many species of ocean animals and is on the migratory path of Gray and Humpback whales, making it a popular whale-watching spot.

The creature made the fishing boat look incredibly tiny in comparison

Douglas Croft

The cool photos and the video footage shows the whale shooting up through the ocean waves close to an unsuspecting fishing boat named Baja Sueno. “The whale is huge! If I’d been the fisherman, I’d probably need some new underwear,” the photographer who captured the incredible close encounter told the media.

The awe-inspiring images have been captured by Blue Ocean Whale Watch

Blue Ocean Whale Watch

The photographer – Douglas Craft – took pictures from the porthole of another boat from an upward angle that made the sea breaching whale look even bigger. “I went below deck to shoot from a porthole close to the waterline. That’s what gives this amazing perspective of looking up at the whale,” Douglas told a news agency.

An enormous humpback whale has been captured breaching the waters of Monterey Bay in California

Blue Ocean Whale Watch

Their size ranges in length from 12–16 m (39–52 ft). The humpback is known for breaching as well as other distinctive behaviors, making them very popular among whale watchers.

Blue Ocean Whale Watch

Adult humpback whales weigh around 25–30 metric tons (28–33 short tons)

Blue Ocean Whale Watch
Blue Ocean Whale Watch
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