Mustafa Öztürk is a talented photographer known for his exceptional work in macro photography. Through his lens, he captures the intricate details and beauty of small subjects, showcasing a unique perspective on the world around us.
Here are some of his photos.
1. Emergency landing (Dragonfly and chamelon)

2. Face to face (Clouded apollo butterfly)

3.Glasswinged (Glasswinged butterfly)

4. Freedom (Ladybug)

5. Metamorphosis (Butterfly and Caterpillar)

6. Rain (Beautiful Strong jaws of red ant close-up)

7. Glasswing (Macro shots, Beautiful nature scene. Closeup beautiful butterfly sitting on the flower in a summer garden)

8. Famıly (Macro shots, Beautiful nature scene. Closeup beautiful butterfly sitting on the flower in a summer garden)

9.Famıly (Macro shots, Beautiful nature scene. Closeup beautiful butterfly sitting on the flower in a summer garden)

10. lOVE (Macro shots, Beautiful nature scene. Closeup beautiful butterfly sitting on the flower in a summer garden)