Professor Builds Illegal Mountain Villa Atop 26-Story Building in Beijing

In a shocking turn of events, One Chinese man – Zhang Biqing had built an illegal mountain villa atop a 26-story building in Beijing. It was reported that the Biqing had been constructing the illegal structure for over six years before authorities finally caught wind of it and shut it down.

The illegal structure, which resembled a traditional Chinese mountain villa, featured a garden, a swimming pool, and even a small stream. The structure was an impressive feat of engineering, with some reports estimating that it had cost the professor over 2 million yuan to build.

The building, located in the Haidian district of Beijing, had been inspected several times over the years by local authorities, but it was only during a routine check in 2018 that the illegal structure was discovered. Authorities soon discovered that the professor had been using the structure as his personal residence, despite having no legal permission to do so.

Many in China were shocked by the news, and some called for the professor to be prosecuted for his illegal construction. However, others pointed to the larger issue at play: China’s rampant corruption and lack of enforcement when it comes to building regulations.

As one commentator noted, “This wasn’t just about one professor building an illegal structure. It was about a system that allowed this kind of thing to happen in the first place. Until China takes stronger action to crack down on illegal construction, we’ll continue to see stories like this.”

Indeed, the problem of illegal structures in China is a complex one. Many people, particularly in Beijing, are desperate for space as the city continues to grow at an alarming rate. This has led to a situation where people are willing to flout building regulations to get the space they need.

In addition, corruption is rife in China’s construction industry, with many officials and developers willing to turn a blind eye to illegal construction in exchange for kickbacks or other benefits. Until this issue is addressed, it’s unlikely that we’ll see an end to the problem of illegal structures in China.

In the case of the professor and his illegal mountain villa, it remains to be seen what will happen. Some have suggested that he may face criminal charges, while others have pointed out that the authorities themselves may be partly to blame for the situation.

Either way, the case serves as a stark reminder of the need for stronger enforcement of building regulations in China and the consequences that can arise when these regulations are ignored.

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