Close your eyes, and imagine the Statue of Liberty. You’ll probably picture its gigantic size, powerful posture, its intense face, the seven spikes of its crown, the way she’s holding a torch… Even if you’ve never seen it in real life, your mind most likely has a common image of it that most people have. Thanks to the media, popular culture and instant access to virtually any information, we all have developed common perspectives of things, places and historical events. But what if we take a look at the Statue of Liberty from a completely different angle, let’s say, the very back of its head? Well, one excellent “Alternate Angles” may have an answer or many answers to things we see at their face value.
1. Neil Armstrong’s Family Watching His Launch To The Moon-1969

2. Photo Of A Hiker Watching The Eruption Of Mt. St. Helens From Mt. Adams, About 37 Miles To The East

3. Onlookers In Horror And Disbelief As They Watch The Twin Towers Collapse On 9/11

4. Onlookers Reacting To The Explosion Of The Challenger Space Shuttle

5. Prince William Giving “Middle Finger” After Prince Louis’ Birth

6. The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Is Empty On The Inside

7. Lady Liberty

8. Soldiers At A Port In England Waiting To Leave For Normandy On D Day

9. The Beatles Rooftop Concert 1969

10. The Back Panel Of The Mona Lisa

11. The Back Of The Rosetta Stone

12. White House During 1950 Truman Renovations

13. The Man Before He Was On The Moon

14. Construction On The Gateway Arch, 1965

15. Olympic Rings On The Eiffel Tower That You’ll Soon Be Seeing A Lot Of

16. Dogs Spotted Getting Their Picture Taken

17. Alternate Angle Of Edward Hopper’s Famous 1942 ‘Nighthawks’ Painting

18. Statue Of Liberty From The Side

19. Undertaker Looks Down At Mankind After He Chokeslams Him, Unscripted, Through The Top Of The Cell

20. The Stairs Inside The Leaning Tower Of Pisa After Centuries Of People Walking Up And Down On Them

21. Eiffel Tower From Underneath

22. Mount Rushmore

23. The Moon Passed Between NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory And The Earth, Allowing This Rare Pic Showing The Dark Side Of The Moon

24. View From The Mona Lisa’s Perspective

25. Assassin’s Creed In Real Life

26. Cheers’d The Apple Maps Guy Behind His Back On My Honeymoon Almost Two Years Ago

27. Re-Assembling The Temples Of Abu Simbel In Aswan, Egypt, 1968

28. Cross Section Of A Road In England (A303 Road)

29. The Sphere Up Close In Las Vegas

30. Neuschwanstein From The Town Below

31. Fog Rolling Into The Bay In San Francisco

32. True Liberty

33. Main Gateway (Darwaza) Of The Taj Mahal From The Mausoleum

34. The Climb Up To Half Dome

35. A Bridge In The Redwoods

36. The Underside Of Cloud Gate (The Bean) In Chicago